Category: Technology
Bolt Vs. Bolt: A Speedy, New Photo Messenger Debuts Using A Familiar Name
By Sarah Perez There’s another Bolt on the App Store that isn’t Instagram’s experimental photo messenger, and it competes in the same photo messaging space. How will Instagram parent company Facebook react to this new Bolt? Even Bolt’s creator, Nick Bicanic, better known as the founder of mobile dating app Flikdate, doesn’t quite know. Read…
Microsoft Updates Windows 8.1 And Surface Tablets
By Alex Wilhelm It’s a big day in the Windows world, with Microsoft rolling out a grip of security patches, updates for Surface tablets, and new capabilities for Windows 8.1 as part of its August update. Regarding the security fixes, nine security updates are part of the package, addressing what Microsoft calls “37 unique Common…
Uber Strikes Back, Claiming Lyft Employees Canceled Nearly 13,000 Rides
By Ryan Lawler The war of words between Lyft and Uber continues to escalate. Following allegations that its drivers and employees were regularly hailing and canceling rides that they booked on its competitor’s service, Uber issued a statement claiming Lyft is guilty of the same actions. Furthermore, Uber claims these actions were taken after Lyft’s…
Westboro Baptist Church Protesting Tech Workers This Afternoon
By Sarah Buhr The Westboro Baptist Church, the group known for hate-filled picketing outside soldier’s and AIDS victims funerals has found a new target – the tech industry. The group plans to picket pretty much every major tech company in Silicon Valley from Facebook to Reddit this afternoon. In what looks to be a press…
Uber Is About To Launch An API
By Josh Constine Uber wins when you hit the “Request A Ride” button, so shouldn’t it try to put that button everywhere? It seemed like a smart plan, so I did some digging and now sources confirm to me that Uber plans to launch an API soon. Google Maps was just be the start. While…